Articles Posted in Legal Research

Justia Daily Opinion Summaries Update Updated: by

Courtney and I wanted to update you on our latest free law offering, Justia Daily Opinion Summaries. When we announced the launch last week, we noted that our jurisdictional coverage included all Federal Circuit Courts of Appeal and select state supreme courts. The team has been working hard to expand…

Should Foreigners Face Limits on Political Speech? Updated: by

Who is an American? For a "corporate person," does the answer depend on where the corporation is headquartered? Or, should we look at the composition of its workforce? Last week, I looked at some tax data found in various securities filings to calculate the tax rate paid by various corporations.…

Announcing Justia Daily Opinion Summaries Updated: by

Hi Friends! Today Cicely and I are pleased to announce Justia's newest free law offering:   FREE Daily Opinion Summaries of all Federal Circuit Courts of Appeal and select State Supreme Courts! Our Daily Opinion Summaries deliver clear, concise summaries of breaking court opinions right to your in-box. The summaries are…

App of the Week: OyezToday Updated: by

Twice, I've reviewed PocketJustice by our friends at Oyez: a great app for the iPhone, iPad, and Android devices for researching US Supreme Court Cases. Despite the strengths of PocketJustice, it lacked an easy way to follow current Supreme Court developments. It seems our friends at Oyez were aware of…

Going Nuclear – Laws, Regulations & Organizations Updated: by

Watching events unfold at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant over the past week have reminded me how little I really know about how nuclear power is regulated.  While reading about and listening to commentary on the crisis has better acquainted me with the work and analysis of U.S. and…

App of the Week: PocketJustice Redux Updated: by

In October, I wrote about the PocketJustice iPhone app from our friends at Oyez.  Since then they’ve released an iPad version (called PocketJustice HD) which takes advantage of the larger screen real estate to make researching…

You Can’t Judge a Pleading By Its Cover, But What About Its Images? Updated: by

Attention spans are getting shorter.  You can only tweet 140 characters. Courts have pleading length restrictions. Judges' case dockets are packed. So, how can you get your case to seize the attention of the judge? If you can use an image that makes a powerful, effective statement about your client's stance…