Articles Tagged with Google


The San Jose Mercury News reported that the Feds have subpoenaed Google in a bid to obtain their search records. In an act reminiscent of certain countries in “Old Europe,” Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL all surrendered, leaving Google to fight it alone.

Here are copies of the motions. I’ve OCR’d them so that they are searchable and copy-and-pasteable.

Posted in: Uncategorized

Hi Friends,

Stacy and I went to the The Stanford Daily alumni dinner tonight following another Stanford loss to Cal (congrats RS). Thanks to Elna Tymes, whose son Adrian was one of the programmers at FindLaw, did a great job putting together the dinner.

As for the dinner talks, after going through the editorial and business metrics at the paper (happy to report that things are looking good :), former Knight Ridder columnist, book author and blogger Joanne Jacobs gave a talk on… blogs.

Posted in: Social Media

Hi Friends,

We just got a brand new 1U blue boxed Google Mini for full text indexing of a new database we are setting up. It took about an hour to get it out of the box, install and index our content set (although we are doing some extra work fixing up our search result templates and scripts to make the output real nice and pretty).

More on our content set later… for now, please enjoy some pictures of Little Sheba the Hug Pug and her newest bestest Google toy.

Posted in: Justia News
Tagged: ABA, Google

Since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, I have been absolutely shocked by the magnitude of destruction left in her wake. In California, we’ve experienced our share of natural disasters, including the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989. While the damage from that earthquake was extensive, it did not force the evacuation of a major American city or disperse countless families into neighboring states away from their homes, possessions and careers. The manpower, resources and infrastructure needed to handle such a mass migration is unfathomable.

Hurricane Katrina also demonstrated the limitations of our current technologies. Once the power shuts down, the cellular phones go down as well. And, without a communication system in place, the process of contacting family members or coordinating relief efforts proves to be exponentially more challenging.

Fortunately, many Web sites have emerged in the past few days to help survivors reconnect with their family members. Let me share with you some Web sites that I’ve visited to keep up with Hurricane Katrina news.

Posted in: Legal Research

Last year, Google announced that it was launching a preview release of Gmail, its supercharged seach-based webmail product with 1 Gig of free storage. This, in turn, probably lead Yahoo to unveil its “New and Improved” Yahoo! Mail service with increased storage space shortly thereafter.

Initially, Gmail was only open to a select group of users. However, Google recently opened up Gmail accounts to US mobile phone users. If you don’t have a mobile phone, you can still open a Gmail account the old-fashioned way — find a friend who has a Gmail account and request an invitation.


Posted in: Uncategorized
Tagged: Google, Yahoo

In honor of the first manned Moon landing, Google presents Google Moon, a version of the Google Maps interface that plots the Apollo moon landing sites on a photo image of the moon.


You can zoom in and zoom out, but if you look too closely, you’ll discover that the moon is made of cheese. 😉

Posted in: Uncategorized
Tagged: Google

Google proudly displays the number of web pages contained within its index. At 8 billion pages and counting, this potentially represents an immense quantity of useful information. Indeed, Google is well suited for finding all sorts of arcane trivia tucked into the many recesses of the web.


However, web researchers already recognize that the quantity of data is only one factor. If the information you are searching for is not within one of the 8 billion pages in Google’s index, you’re out of luck.