Articles Tagged with Case

You Can’t Judge a Pleading By Its Cover, But What About Its Images? Updated: by

Attention spans are getting shorter.  You can only tweet 140 characters. Courts have pleading length restrictions. Judges' case dockets are packed. So, how can you get your case to seize the attention of the judge? If you can use an image that makes a powerful, effective statement about your client's stance…

Announcing SCOCAL: California Supreme Court Resources & Annotations Updated: by

Last week marked the formal launch of a new Supreme Court of California resource center, SCOCAL ( SCOCAL is a joint project between Justia and our friends at the Robert Crown Law Library at Stanford and Fastcase. There are lots of cool features in the site and, as ever, I…

Holiday Gifts For Lawyers: Justia’s List Updated: by

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone, but there's still time to get terrific gifts for lawyers and clients.  Here are some of our favs: The Apple iPad —  It's sleek, small, and über cool. It holds nifty free legal apps like Fastcase to find state and federal…