Conrad Johnson, Jimi Hendrix, Multimedia Content and Google

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Hi Friends,

As promised… here is the Conrad JohnsonJimi Hendrix montage of multimedia, legal education and Google.

As you may know, Conrad runs the Lawyering in the Digital Age Clinic at Columbia Law School. He also plays guitar.
Conrad talks about his Creating Multi-Purpose Content for the Web article on the Jurist site and Jimi Hendrix, while Bernard, Nancy Rapoport and John Palfrey look on.
Like Jimi… Conrad is also a guitar player..
Here is a closer shot 🙂
Conrad explains that thanks to his article and Google search results, he is now seen as the guitar playing professor.
Conrad’s Jurist article ranks high in the Google world for Conrad Johnson Jimi Hendrix 🙂

Check out Columbia’s Lawyering in the Digital Age Clinic and their use of technology for tenant rights.



iTunes :: Purple Haze, Are You Experienced by The Jimi Hendrix Experience