Google Supports Free Law, & the movement with 10^100 Grant


Hi Friends,

Thanks Google for supporting free law … again πŸ™‚ Last year Google Scholar gave the world free USA case law (with internal page numbers) and now Google has announced the first recipients of its Project 10^100 grants, including Public.Resource.Org.

To quote the Google announcement πŸ™‚

We are providing $2 million to Public.Resource.Org to support the Law.Gov initiative, which aims to make all primary legal materials in the United States available to all.

Carl Malamud gives an update on the movement on the O’Reilly Radar blog, including a few of the projects the funds will support. Of course… more to come – you know Carl πŸ™‚

Please enjoy the Google Project 10^100 video and Gov 2.0 videos of Carl.

Google 10^100

Fall 2009

Spring 2010

Fall 2010

Thanks Google! and Congrats to Carl and! Onward!!!



Let Love Rule, Let Love Rule by Lenny Kravitz