Articles Tagged with state codes


Hi Friends,

As many of you know (at least those in the Open Government & Law Groups), Free Public Information Hero Carl Malamud and have been working to get state codes, building codes, electrical codes and other state and city codes online for free… sort of a virtual city of free codes.

You can, right now, download these codes here on or through the Internet Archive. As a California bonus, you can also download the California Code of Regulations.

Posted in: Legal Research

Hi Friends,
Oregon’s Legislative Counsel Committee had a meeting this morning to discuss the copyright claim on the Oregon Revised Statutes. After taking legal counsel from Dexter Johnson, talking with Karl Olson, Carl Malamud, three Oregon citizens and myself, they unanimously voted to not to enforce any copyright claims on the Oregon Revised Statutes. This is great!!!
Carl Malamud presents Oregon Senate President Courtney the “Seal of Approval”