Articles Tagged with Cases
Legal Commons – Free US Court of Appeals & US Supreme Court Case Law by way of and the Creative Commons!
Hi Friends,
Here comes the Legal Commons.
Carl Malamud and the team at with Larry Lessig and the Creative Commons gang got the FastCase deal done and the case law online. The cases include all of the Federal Court of Appeals decisions since 1950, and all of the US Supreme Court decisions.
Free Case Law from
Hi Friends,
More free case law has come online. PreCYdent has added 300,000 Federal cases to their database at They have built in some nice community tools for commenting and rating the cases. And they have a new search engine that is focused on the link structure of cases. Bob Ambrogi’s initial take was that it is pretty good. They are calling their site a “true Alpha” and they are taking comments from all interested parties to improve it. I will test it out over the weekend before the Superbowl :).
It will all be and continue to be free. PreCYdent will support the company with advertising sales.
Free Courts of Appeals decisions from 1950 and all US Supreme Court decisions since 1754 Coming Soon
Hi Friends,
Carl Malamud and have gotten together with Ed Walters CEO of FastCase and are happy to announce that they will be putting online an archive of US Appeal Court decisions since 1950 and all of the US Supreme Court cases since 1754. Here is their announcement.
Free Federal District Court Opinions Database with RSS Feeds & Full Text Search
Hi Friends,
We recently added the a FREE database of Federal District Court Opinions since 2004 that are available using the opinion report in the Federal Courts’ ECF. The database is updated daily.
Here is the URL for the Federal District Court Opinions: – Free Public Domain Federal Case Law Archive
Hi Friends,
Here is a great new free case law project that came out (or at least I was made aware of 🙂 a few weeks ago. AltLaw.
Right now AltLaw is focused on getting up the Federal appellate opinions online (US Supreme Court and Federal Circuit Courts). They have aggregated opinions for the last 15 years or so (depending on the court), and have done good job presenting the cases in formated text, in addition to providing the original pdf and in a text only format. It looks like these are the slip opinions, but they can be later fixed up to match the text of the official published opinions.
Aaron Greenspan and… Facebook and ConnectU
Hi Friends,
One of the cases of interest here in Palo Alto land is the current lawsuit by the founders of ConnectU against Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook gang. In an interesting side light to the case, NYT’s John Markoff has written an article on Aaron Greenspan, who developed a social facebook network, called houseSYSTEM, while at Harvard… before either ConnectU or Facebook. The article also covers what Aaron is doing now, including his new company called Qubescape, and a social networking site called Common Room. Of course there is much more about Aaron, Facebook, ConnectU on the blogsphere.
And according to John’s article, Aaron has chosen not to be a witness in the following cases… – Tracking Airline Fare Price Drops & Getting Coupons
Hi Friends,
I initially wrote this up for the LMA list, but after rereading my email I figured it would be a good post. And it has Bellingham Washington in it, which is good.
There is a new free service that will be of interest to those who travel a lot. It is called Yapta and it tracks price changes in flights and then alerts you to price drops so you can obtain refunds or traffic coupons on the difference in price. Yapta just opened up their beta to new users. The url is
Google Response to Viacom – DMCA Safe Harbor Defense and More
Hi Friends,
Today Google filed an answer to Viacom’s complaint, basically saying Viacom’s complaint is in conflict with the DMCA (the “careful balance” established by Congress between copyright holders and the Internet users and companies). There is the standard paragraph by paragraph admit and deny the allegations and facts stated in Viacom’s complaint and…
then the Defenses: — beta 2 – More Updates & Faster
Hi Friends,
As I noted in a previous post (Federal Court Case Filings –…. we put up a “beta” free Website of new civil case filings. Well it has been a few weeks, and “beta 2” is here 🙂
Here is what we have fixed up.
Federal Court Case Filings –
Hi Friends,
We put up a Website with the new civil case filings in the US District Courts with links into Pacer for the full docket and filing information and News, Finance, Web and Blog Internet resources. The URL is:
It allows you to search and track when new cases are filed by State, Court, Lawsuit Type (eg Patent Law) or Party name… or any combination. We are updating this daily (but note the courts often post the filings a day or two after they are received).