Articles Posted in Patent


With a Kodak bankruptcy reportedly in the works, the legendary photography business filed patent infringement lawsuits against Apple and HTC today (see below).

Kodak, the designer and builder of the first operating digital camera, alleges that Apple, Inc. is infringing four of its digital imaging patents, and that HTC is violating five of them.

Tagged: HTC

The J.M. Smucker Company is mad as hell at Lodsys, and the jam and jelly maker isn’t going to take the firm’s demands for patent licensing fees anymore.

Lodsys is a patent owner that routinely alleges that companies are violating patents in its IP portfolio that cover web commerce, information gathering, and product customization. Companies that don’t agree to Lodsys’s demands often find themselves in patent lawsuits. Companies like Apple and app developer start-ups.

But not Smucker’s. It sued first (Read the lawsuit below)


Apple’s Senior Vice President of Industrial Design, Jonathan Ive, began 2012 as a Knight, a high honor bestowed upon him, and 984 other people, (see list below) by Queen Elizabeth II.

More specifically, a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, or KBE.

A trusted confidant of the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, Ive is listed on hundreds of Apple patents.


A company holding a patent for a “Safe Transaction Guaranty” on e-commerce Web sites sued Google, alleging patent infringement.

buySAFE, Inc. contends (read the lawsuit below) that Google’s new Trusted Stores program violates its patent for third-party certification and transactional guarantees for Internet retailers.