Articles Posted in Legal Research


Since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, I have been absolutely shocked by the magnitude of destruction left in her wake. In California, we’ve experienced our share of natural disasters, including the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989. While the damage from that earthquake was extensive, it did not force the evacuation of a major American city or disperse countless families into neighboring states away from their homes, possessions and careers. The manpower, resources and infrastructure needed to handle such a mass migration is unfathomable.

Hurricane Katrina also demonstrated the limitations of our current technologies. Once the power shuts down, the cellular phones go down as well. And, without a communication system in place, the process of contacting family members or coordinating relief efforts proves to be exponentially more challenging.

Fortunately, many Web sites have emerged in the past few days to help survivors reconnect with their family members. Let me share with you some Web sites that I’ve visited to keep up with Hurricane Katrina news.

Posted in: Legal Research

Hi Friends,

We officially released our brand new Justia Auto Recalls Center this week (legal blog readers of course had advanced notice – Bob Ambrogi’s LawSites [ Post ], Sabrina Pacifici’ BeSpacific [ Post ] ).

The Justia Auto Recalls Center URL is:

Posted in: Legal Research
Tagged: ABA, Web Site, Yahoo

Hi Friends,

Nolo, Justia friend and our main content provider, has relaunched their Web site with a new design that focuses on users’ legal needs. The new Nolo site is segmented into six legal issues channels, leading to a much better user interface. The interface is much cleaner, with everything visible above fold on the home page.

New Web site

Posted in: Legal Research