Bless her heart. This month, Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the Retirement Security for Today's Four-Year-Olds Act of 2011, which seeks to curb the next generation's sense of entitlement. This bill seeks to change the definition of retirement age under the Social Security Act to 70, as of January 1,…
Articles Tagged with litigation
The Justia Dockets & Filings website offers attorneys, journalists, litigants, and legal researchers a simple tool for discovering and tracking litigation in the various federal courts. I find the website to be absolutely indispensable for tracking who is suing and who is being sued. For example, I subscribe to the…
New York City street performer the Naked Cowboy is suing competing street performer the Naked Cowgirl in federal court. Both play the guitar in Times Square nearly naked except for cowboy boots and a hat. The Naked Cowboy is claiming that the Naked Cowgirl is "tarnishing the Naked Cowboy’s wholesome…
The New York Times ran a fascinating story this week about third-party financiers of lawsuits. The Times, together with the Center for Public Integrity, reported that third-party financing of contingency lawsuits is on rise. Specialized lending firms that cater to law firms have emerged, charging premium interest rates (from 15-24%).…