Check out the latest crop of featured cases from Justia's Dockets. Hank Azaria v. Craig Bierko et al., (US District Court, C.D. California) Actor Hank Azaria, well-known for his voice actor roles in "The Simpsons" television show, filed a copyright lawsuit seeking declaratory relief against actor Craig Bierko in a…
Articles Tagged with justia dockets
I'm sure most of our readers are familiar with Justia's Civil Dockets, a section on our site which allows users to search through civil dockets filed in the US Federal District and Appellate Courts since 2004. What I'm not sure about is whether folks realize that on a weekly basis…
The Justia Dockets & Filings website offers attorneys, journalists, litigants, and legal researchers a simple tool for discovering and tracking litigation in the various federal courts. I find the website to be absolutely indispensable for tracking who is suing and who is being sued. For example, I subscribe to the…