Articles Posted in YouTube

7th Circuit: ‘South Park’ Scatological ‘What What (in the Butt)’ Humor is Fair Use Updated: by

Judges know fair use and parody when they see it. Especially when it comes to South Park's "distinct animation style and scatological humor" as seen through the eyes of a 4th grade character. That was the conclusion of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Circuit today (read…

Appeals Court Orders YouTube and Google to Defend Viacom Copyright Infringement Suit Updated: by

A federal appeals court in New York reversed a lower court ruling in Viacom's copyright infringement lawsuit against YouTube and Google over user uploads of thousands of popular TV shows like South Park and 'The Daily Show with Jon Stewart." "A reasonable jury could find that YouTube had actual knowledge…

Will Heater Manufacturer Be SLAPPed Over YouTube Safety Video Lawsuit? Updated: by

Continental Appliances, Inc., a California manufacturer of a gas wall heater sold at Lowe's, sued the unknown poster of a YouTube video on Friday for claiming that its product creates "an imminent danger of fire and serious injury" because of "uncertain fuel settings." (see below) The lawsuit appears likely to…