Friends, lawyers--did you know that the Bluebook is available online? I confess, I did not until a couple weeks ago. I needed to research citation formats, but my Bluebook was sadly out of date (think law school). I didn't want to wait for the copy to arrive by mail, so…
Articles Posted in Legal Research
I was researching case law on state court websites recently and surveying what's out there and who's publishing what, when I encountered something totally surprising: public domain citation formats. I thought I was pretty up-to-date on free law and access to public information, but I had never heard of this. I…
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) promotes seat belt use across the country through its Click It or Ticket marketing campaign. This program seeks to increase seat belt use rates nationwide both through educational means and enforcement measures to reduce unrestrained passenger vehicle occupant fatalities. California has one of…
Last week marked the formal launch of a new Supreme Court of California resource center, SCOCAL ( SCOCAL is a joint project between Justia and our friends at the Robert Crown Law Library at Stanford and Fastcase. There are lots of cool features in the site and, as ever, I…
Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone, but there's still time to get terrific gifts for lawyers and clients. Here are some of our favs: The Apple iPad — It's sleek, small, and über cool. It holds nifty free legal apps like Fastcase to find state and federal…
Given that some of our favorite Justia supporters and friends are law librarians and to help get us all into the holiday spirit of the season, we thought it might be fun to put together a list of library and legal-themed gifts for those folks who keep us on track…
Free Law - Justia truly believes that the law belongs to the people. It was created for us, by us. That is why we are thankful for Law.Gov, the brainchild of passionate Government open source advocate Carl Malamud of Public.Resource.Org. Google - We are thankful for Google and its continued…
One of the pro bono projects we’ve been able to work on here at Justia is the Stanford Fair Use & Copyright site. For those of you who may not be familiar with it, the site is a terrific resource for anyone interested in learning more about copyright in general,…
Last week, Tim and I had the chance to attend a panel discussion at Stanford titled, “The Open Government Initiative and the Promise of a Transparent Government.” The panel reviewed various U.S. and international initiatives designed to get citizens more engaged with their government via transparency, collaboration and participation. Of…
In light of Justia’s commitment to “free law”, we wanted to make sure to note last week’s announcement that Google, in partnership with the USPTO, now provides bulk access to current US patent applications and grants. As noted by Richard Jefferson in his “Science as Social Enterprise” blog, until recently…