Bulk US Patent Data at Google

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In light of Justia’s commitment to “free law”, we wanted to make sure to note last week’s announcement that Google, in partnership with the USPTO, now provides bulk access to current US patent applications and grants.  As noted by Richard Jefferson in his “Science as Social Enterprise” blog, until recently the bulk data available to users was incomplete in that it did not contain 2010 materials.  However, users can now download comprehensive 2010 “Redbook” format data for free, considered the “gold standard” of patent data (and previously sold for thousands of dollars).  Check what’s available in USPTO bulk downloads on Google yourself or search the entire image database of U.S. patents from 1790s to the present at Google patents.

Related Press Releases / Articles

“USPTO Teams with Google to Provide Bulk Patent and Trademark Data to the Public”

“USPTO Delivers big time: Free, fast, timely public access to the best patent data”

“Patent Database Up and Running”