Federal Court Case Filings – Dockets.Justia.com

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Hi Friends,

We put up a Website with the new civil case filings in the US District Courts with links into Pacer for the full docket and filing information and News, Finance, Web and Blog Internet resources. The URL is: http://dockets.justia.com

It allows you to search and track when new cases are filed by State, Court, Lawsuit Type (eg Patent Law) or Party name… or any combination. We are updating this daily (but note the courts often post the filings a day or two after they are received).

One feature we like is the RSS feeds. You can subscribe to an RSS feed of all of the new cases for a State, Court or Lawsuit Type, or you can do a search and subscribe to an RSS feed of the search results (which you can add to your MyGoogle or MyYahoo! page). The RSS feed is nice because you can track the new cases without redoing your search everyday.

For example you could track all of the Federal Court Patent cases or all of the Federal Court cases filed against Microsoft with an RSS feed, or just those Microsoft cases that are filed in Washington State. Whatever the search criteria, you can track new cases with an RSS feed.

Each case has an individual page with a link to the Pacer info page (you do need a subscription to access these documents at 8 cents per page – easily worth the costs for a case you care about) as well as Blog, News, Finance and Web searches on the party names. Depending on the particular case, you can often get some good background information on the parties. For example the page on Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Apple Inc. iPhone trademark dispute.

The value of the database could be seen as a tracking mechanism for:

There are over 300,000 case titles since January 1, 2006, and we are updating it daily.

We are still making some user interface changes, and just added subscribe buttons for MyGoogle, MyYahoo!, Bloglines etc… yesterday, and we are going to add more functionality and editorial groupings of parties in the future. We are always looking for ideas, so if you want any additions or changes, feel free to let us know.

You can check the Justia Federal Court Filings Site out at http://dockets.justia.com/, and Happy Valentines Day.



Peace – Tim

:: Wish You Were Here, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd